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  I am Jack's good life  |  August 09, 2012  |

You know what? Life is good. Life is actually quite great. Big Sur continues to linger on my mind. I brushed total enlightenment while I was there. I say brushed because what I experienced was premature enlightenment.

Nothing mattered up there. I was one with the Universe. All the problems with TheGirl were gone. Proof of how wonderful and away I was is this: I usually pop at least three antacid pills a day. During my trip to Big Sur I didn't take a SINGLE antacid pill. I didn't take one until I was nearly home.

How I miss that place. For the first time in my life I have serious thoughts of moving out of my fair Los Angeles. I want to move up to Big Sur, the Monterey peninsula really. In my whole life I have NEVER entertained those kind of thoughts.

But there is nothing for me in this town. Certainly not TheGirl. She has made her choices in life. One of them is to walk all over me because she knows I'll love her anyway. Another is to play with my emotions, because I'll love her anyway. What she doesn't know is that I'm setting her up. Setting her up for a huge fall. Her hubris will be her downfall.

Yes, I love her. To the point that I would still sacrifice my happiness in order for her to be happy. But... BUT.. she has done me wrong. She insulted my soul when she told me this other guy was just a "FRIEND." I KNEW he wasn't just a friend. And if she had been honest with me she would have been forgiven. However. She had to lie to me. And that I find offensive above all else.

Tomorrow she will stand next to him at an event I WAS INVITED TO. Not him!! The Universe is one thing... indifferent. But sometimes it is mindful of the egregious things we do. This weekend's events are egregious. I have been wronged. I ask the Universe to do what it does sometimes... enact justice--instant Karma if you will.

It is rare that such a thing ACTUALLY happens. But I ask... PLEAD with the Universe to enact it tomorrow to all those involved in this soap opera that TheGirl has created. Only because I have suffered through three months of complete BULLSHIT.

Big Sur... I will return to you better than you last saw me. We will share a moment in which I will thank you for your beauty... your wonder... and your justice.


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